Supplemental Information — Ichthyology & Herpetology


Supplemental information files are are not copyedited and are available below as provided to Ichthyology & Herpetology (formerly Copeia).

2022: Volume 110, Issue 3

Kuchta et al—Hybridization between the Woodland Salamanders Plethodon cinereus and P. electromorphus Is Not Widespread

Díaz-Lameiro et al—A New Species of Sphaerodactylus (Gekkota: Sphaerodactylidae) from the Northwest Limestone Region of Puerto Rico

Esguícero and Bockmann—Acid-Free Staining Procedure to Demonstrate Nerves in Whole Vertebrate Specimens with the Differentiation of Bone and Cartilage

Sakich and Tattersall—Regulation of Exposure to Ultraviolet Light in Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps) in Relation to Temperature and Scalation Phenotype

Bevier et al—Early Life of the Mink Frog (Rana septentrionalis): From Fertilization to Metamorphosis

Wang et al—Revision of the Diploderma fasciatum (Mertens, 1926) Complex (Reptilia: Agamidae: Draconinae)

Abraham et al—Integration of Ecology, Larval Phenotypes, and Mate-Recognition Signals with Molecular and Morphological Data Indicate Taxonomic Inflation in Nyctibatrachus (Anura: Nyctibatrachidae)

Simoncini et al—Hydrological Effects on the Reproduction of the Giant South American River Turtle Podocnemis expansa (Testudines: Podocnemididae)

Bernstein et al—Undescribed Diversity in a Widespread, Common Group of Asian Mud Snakes (Serpentes: Homalopsidae: Hypsiscopus)

Folly et al—A New Species of Brachycephalus (Anura, Brachycephalidae) from a Montane Atlantic Rainforest of Southeastern Brazil, with a Reappraisal of the Species Groups in the Genus

MacGuigan et al—Genomic Data Clarify Aquarana Systematics and Reveal Isolation-by-Distance Dominates Phylogeography of the Wide-Ranging Frog Rana clamitans

2020: Volume 108, Issue 4

Orr et al—A New Species of Snailfish (Cottiformes: Liparidae) Closely Related to Careproctus melanurus of the Eastern North Pacific

Hantak et al—A Spatiotemporal Assessment of Dietary Partitioning between Color Morphs of a Terrestrial Salamander

Taucce et al—A New Amazonian Species of the Diminutive Frog Genus Adelophryne (Anura: Brachycephaloidea: Eleutherodactylidae) from the State of Amapá, Northern Brazil

Chang and Fuller—The Eye Size of the Bluefin Killifish (Lucania goodei) Varies from Springs to Swamps

Ospina et al—Hidden Diversity in the Mountain Chorus Frog (Pseudacris brachyphona) and the Diagnosis of a New Species of Chorus Frog in the Southeastern United States

Maile et al—Marine Habitat Transitions and Body-Shape Evolution in Lizardfishes and Their Allies (Aulopiformes)

Conway et al—Molecular Phylogenetics of the Clingfishes (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae)—Implications for Classification

Weinell et al—New, Miniaturized Genus and Species of Snake (Cyclocoridae) from the Philippines

Carvalho et al—A New Forest-Dwelling Frog Species of the Genus Adenomera (Leptodactylidae) from Northwestern Brazilian Amazonia

Praveenraj et al—A New Species of Snakehead (Teleostei: Channidae) from East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, Northeastern India

Butterfield et al—Morphology, Performance, and Ecology of Three Sympatric Turtles in a Tropical Dry Forest

Ferrão et al—New Species of Leaf-litter Toad of the Rhinella margaritifera Species Group (Anura: Bufonidae) from Amazonia