Riverscape Genetics of Rainbow Darters, Etheostoma caeruleum, Reveals Lasting Impacts of Glacial History on Contemporary Populations
John T. Belcik and Mary V. Ashley
Ichthyology & Herpetology 112: 257–269
Supplemental Fig. S1. Optimal K clusters as determined by (A) the delta K using the Evanno method, (B) ln P(K), (C) MedMed K, (D) MedMean K, (E) MaxMed K, and (F) MaxMean K using StructureSelector.
Supplemental Fig. S2. DAPC analysis assigned ancestry plot. DAPC determined cluster number of K = 9. Each bar represents and individual and the y-axis represents the probability of assigned ancestry.
Supplemental Fig. S3. DAPC analysis cluster locations. Cluster assignments at sampling locations under the DAPC method and K = 9. Pie graphs represent proportion of individuals at the site assigned to a given cluster. Individuals with less than 85% assigned ancestry in any cluster shown in gray (mixed). Inset shows more accurate locations of sampling sites between the Driftless Cluster and Illinois Cluster.