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Riverscape Genetics of Rainbow Darters, Etheostoma caeruleum, Reveals Lasting Impacts of Glacial History on Contemporary Populations

John T. Belcik and Mary V. Ashley

Ichthyology & Herpetology 112: 257–269

Supplemental Fig. S1. Optimal K clusters as determined by (A) the delta K using the Evanno method, (B) ln P(K), (C) MedMed K, (D) MedMean K, (E) MaxMed K, and (F) MaxMean K using StructureSelector.

Supplemental Fig. S2. DAPC analysis assigned ancestry plot. DAPC determined cluster number of K = 9. Each bar represents and individual and the y-axis represents the probability of assigned ancestry.

Supplemental Fig. S3. DAPC analysis cluster locations. Cluster assignments at sampling locations under the DAPC method and K = 9. Pie graphs represent proportion of individuals at the site assigned to a given cluster. Individuals with less than 85% assigned ancestry in any cluster shown in gray (mixed). Inset shows more accurate locations of sampling sites between the Driftless Cluster and Illinois Cluster.

Supplemental Table S1

Supplemental Table S2

Supplemental Table S3

Supplemental Table S4

Supplemental Table S5