Courtship and Mating Behavior of the Rare, Rock-Crevice Dwelling Salamander Plethodon petraeus with a Review for Eastern North American Woodland Salamanders (Amphibia: Plethodontidae)
Glenn A. Marvin
Ichthyology & Herpetology 112: 238–256
Supplemental Fig. A. Duration (min per pre-TSW hour) for male mental-gland sliding on different anatomical regions (tail, body, and head) of the female during the preliminary (pre-TSW) phase of courtship in the salamander Plethodon petraeus. Data are from twenty unique male-female pairs that engaged in ten incomplete courtships, which did not proceed to a male-first tail-straddling walk (TSW), and ten complete courtships with TSW and spermatophore deposition. Box plots show minimum, maximum, median (solid horizontal line), mean (dotted horizontal line), and percentiles (10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th). Two-way ANOVA demonstrates that the duration of sliding was not significantly different during complete versus incomplete courtships, but was significantly greater on the tail than on either the body or head, and greater on the body than on the head. Probability values are from Holm-Sidak multiple comparisons.
Supplemental Fig. B. Frequency (per pre-TSW hour) for infrequent male behaviors during the preliminary (pre-TSW) phase of courtship in the salamander Plethodon petraeus. Data are from twenty unique male-female pairs that engaged in ten incomplete courtships, which did not proceed to a male-first tail-straddling walk (TSW), and ten complete courtships with TSW and spermatophore deposition. See text for description of behaviors. Box plots show minimum, maximum, median (solid horizontal line), mean (dotted horizontal line), and percentiles (10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th).