A New Species of Brachycephalus (Anura, Brachycephalidae) from a Montane Atlantic Rainforest of Southeastern Brazil, with a Reappraisal of the Species Groups in the Genus
Manuella Folly, Davor Vrcibradic, Carla C. Siqueira, Carlos F. D. Rocha, Alessandra S. Machado, Ricardo T. Lopes, and José P. Pombal Jr.
Ichthyology & Herpetology 110: 585–601
Material Examined
Table S1. List of voucher specimens included in molecular analysis, locality data, GenBank accession numbers, and references.
Table S2. Gene regions, primers, and PCR protocols used in this study.
Table S3. Percentages of genetic divergence (%) among species and within species (in bold; only for species represented by more than one individual, with range in parentheses) in the genus Brachycephalus calculated from the uncorrected pairwise genetic distances (pdistance) or number of base differences between sequences of 16S rRNA. Yellow cells represent the B. vertebralis species group; green cells represent the B. ephippium species group; blue cells represent the B. pernix species group; and uncolored cells represent species currently unassigned to any species group. Species abbreviations: Bact = B. actaeus, Bali = B. alipioi, Baur = B. auroguttatus, Bbot = B. boticario, Bbru = B. brunneus, Bcla = B. clarissae, Bcri = B. crispus, Bdid = B. didactylus, Beph = B. ephippium, Bfer = B. ferruginus, Bfus = B. fuscolineatus, Bgar = B. garbeanus, Bgua = B. guarani, Bher = B. hermogenesi, Bibi = B. ibitinga, Bize = B. izecksohni, Bleo = B. leopardus, Bmar = B. margaritatus, Bmari = B. mariaterezae, Bmir = B. mirissimus, Bnod = B. nodoterga, Boli = B. olivaceus, Bper = B. pernix, Bpit = B. pitanga, Bpom = B. pombali, Bpul = B. pulex, Bqui = B. quiririensis, Brot = B. rotenbergae, Bsul = B. sulfuratus, Btob = B. toby, Btri = B. tridactylus, Bver = B. vertebralis, Bverr = B. verrucosus. Bps2 to Bsp9 = putative new species.
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