Elevation of Divergent Color Polymorphic and Monomorphic Lizard Lineages (Squamata: Agamidae) to Species Level
Caroline M. Dong, Greg R. Johnston, Devi Stuart-Fox, Adnan Moussalli, Katrina J. Rankin, and Claire A. McLean
Ichthyology & Herpetology 109: 43–54
Fig. S1. Linear discriminant analysis of males based on 24 variables (including snout–vent length): Ctenophorus modestus (□); C. decresii (●); C. fionni (▲); and C. vadnappa (+). 95% confidence ellipses are shown. This analysis excludes the lectotypes of C. modestus (ZMB 54516) and C. decresii (MNHN 6545).
Fig. S2. Dorsal (left) and ventral (right) photographs of the paralectotype of Ctenophorus decresii (Duméril and Bibron, 1837; MNHN 6545A). This specimen is an adult female collected from Kangaroo Island, South Australia, in January 1803 (photos Nicolas Vidal, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle Paris).
Fig. S3. Dorsal (left) and ventral (right) photographs of the paralectotype of Ctenophorus modestus (Ahl, 1926; ZMB 30092). This specimen is an adult female from “Australien” without an exact locality or reference to a collector or donor (photos Frank Tillack, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin).
Table S1
Table S2
R code