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Movement Behavior and Habitat Selection of Rat Snakes (Elaphe spp.) in the Fukushima Exclusion Zone

Hannah C. Gerke, Thomas G. Hinton, and James C. Beasley

Ichthyology & Herpetology 109: 545–556

Supplemental Fig. A. Individual snake selection ratios and 95% confidence intervals for land cover types at the (A) population scale and (B) home range scale, derived from 1,717 relocations from nine rat snakes (Elaphe spp.) tracked June–August 2018 within the Fukushima Exclusion Zone in Fukushima, Japan. Land cover types include Rural—rural developed areas including buildings and open areas; Grass—grassland, including abandoned rice paddies; DHW—deciduous hardwood; DSW—deciduous softwood; EC—evergreen conifer; and EBL—evergreen broadleaf. Note differing y-axis scales.

Supplemental Fig. B. Individual snake selection ratios and 95% confidence intervals at the population scale for (A) distance to building, (B) distance to edge, (C) distance to stream, and (D) distance to road. Selection ratios were derived from 1,717 relocations from nine rat snakes (Elaphe spp.) tracked in June–August 2018 within the Fukushima Exclusion Zone in Fukushima, Japan. Note differing y-axis scales.

Supplemental Fig. C. Individual snake selection ratios and 95% confidence intervals at the home range scale for (A) distance to building, (B) distance to edge, (C) distance to stream, and (D) distance to road. Selection ratios were derived from 1,717 relocations from nine rat snakes (Elaphe spp.) tracked in June–August 2018 within the Fukushima Exclusion Zone in Fukushima, Japan. Note differing y-axis scales.

Supplemental Fig. D. Proportion of VHF relocations (n = 102) associated with each habitat feature for all nine rat snakes (Elaphe spp.) tracked in June–August 2018 within the Fukushima Exclusion Zone in Fukushima, Japan. Relocations where the snake was not visually located and/or could not be pinpointed were classified as undetermined.

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